CSCI 344: Fall 2024

Advanced Web Technology

CSCI 344: Fall 2024


CSS Resources

Recommended Online Tutorials / References

Intro to CSS

CSS is a language that helps designers to control the look-and-feel of a website. CSS can be used to create layouts, font assignments, color schemes, margins and spacing, and even animations.

Resources and Reference Materials

Below, I have curated some resources to help you learn about CSS. Don’t feel like you have to memorize all of these properties: the CSS vocabulary is expansive, and is best learned as you design your own creations. Think of these resources as references that you may consult as you go. That said, knowing the rules that govern the CSS vocabulary is important to being able to use the language. As such, you will need to understand the CSS Rules of Thumb, so do take some time to ensure that you understand the

Course Website

  1. CSS Rules of Thumb
  2. CSS Selectors
  3. Color
  4. Text & Fonts
  5. Box Model
  6. CSS Units
  7. Flexbox
  8. CSS Grid
  9. Media Queries
  10. Style Guides