CSCI 344: Fall 2024

Advanced Web Technology

CSCI 344: Fall 2024


Command Line Resources

10 reasons to know how to use the command line

  1. You can SSH (Secure Shell) into any server in the world without installing special software / clients.
  2. It allows you greater control over your system’s functions (creating files and folders, changing permissions, running executables, creating shortcuts / symlinks).
  3. Many advanced system functions don’t have a GUI interface (or the GUI isn’t any easier to use!).
  4. It’s faster (once you get the hang of it).
  5. You can bundle system commands into scripts tailored to specific use cases (and configure when and how they run).
  6. It allows you to easily stop and start services and processes (e.g., database servers, web servers, system tasks).
  7. Most package managers (e.g., npm, pip, gem, brew, apt-get, yum) require them for tracking / organizing dependencies (which you need when building software).
  8. Even if you use a GUI for git, you’ll eventually have to use the command line for advanced features (and debugging).
  9. Allows you to easily configure and replicate your operating system environment across different machines.
  10. You’ll need bash skills for your CS jobs (no matter what kind of shop you’re in).

Useful References

In this course, we will be using bash. Bash is a Unix shell and command language that runs natively on Mac, Linux, and Unix operating systems. If you are a Windows user, you will be using WSL (see below) to run a GNU/Linux environment.

Using Linux Commands on Windows via WSL

The Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) lets Windows users run a GNU/Linux environment – including most command-line tools, utilities, and applications – directly on Windows, unmodified, without the overhead of a traditional virtual machine or dualboot setup.

Environment files

Environment files set environment variables on your operating system. This allows you to configure shortcuts and run scripts on startup. Here are some relevant resources for configuring these files:

Cheatsheet of Useful Bash Commands

The following commands are taken from this bash cheat sheet by @RehanSaeed

Command History

pwd                       # Print current directory path
ls                        # List directories
ls -a|--all               # List directories including hidden
ls -l                     # List directories in long form
ls -l -h|--human-readable # List directories in long form with human readable sizes
ls -t                     # List directories by modification time, newest first
cd foo                    # Go to foo sub-directory
cd                        # Go to home directory
cd ~                      # Go to home directory
cd -                      # Go to last directory
cd ..                     # Go up one directory
cd ../..                  # Go up two directories
cd foo/bar                # Go into the foo sub-directory, then go into the bar sub-directory
cd ../foo/bar             # Go up one directory, then into foo, then into bar
stat foo.txt              # List size, created and modified timestamps for a file
stat foo                  # List size, created and modified timestamps for a directory
tree                      # List directory and file tree
tree -a                   # List directory and file tree including hidden
tree -d                   # List directory tree

Reading Files

cat foo.txt            # Print all contents
less foo.txt           # Print some contents at a time (g - go to top of file, SHIFT+g, go to bottom of file, /foo to search for 'foo')
head foo.txt           # Print top 10 lines of file
tail foo.txt           # Print bottom 10 lines of file
open foo.txt           # Open file in the default editor
wc foo.txt             # List number of lines words and characters in the file

Creating Directories & Files

touch foo.txt                   # Create file or update existing files modified timestamp
touch foo.txt bar.txt           # Create multiple files
touch {foo,bar}.txt             # Create multiple files
touch test{1..3}                # Create test1, test2 and test3 files
touch test{a..c}                # Create testa, testb and testc files

mktemp                          # Create a temporary file

mkdir foo                        # Create a directory
mkdir foo bar                    # Create multiple directories
mkdir -p|--parents foo/bar       # Create nested directory
mkdir -p|--parents {foo,bar}/baz # Create multiple nested directories

mktemp -d|--directory            # Create a temporary directory

Copying & Moving Files & Directories

cp -R|--recursive foo bar                               # Copy directory
mv foo ../.                                             # Moves a directory up one level
mv foo bar                                              # Renames a directory
cp foo.txt bar.txt                                      # Copy file
mv foo.txt bar.txt                                      # Move file

Deleting Directories & Files

rmdir foo                        # Delete empty directory
rm -r|--recursive foo            # Delete directory including contents
rm -r|--recursive -f|--force foo # Delete directory including contents, ignore nonexistent files and never prompt

rm foo.txt                       # Delete file
rm -f|--force foo.txt            # Delete file, ignore nonexistent files and never prompt

Standard Output, Standard Error and Standard Input

echo "foo" > bar.txt       # Overwrite file with content
echo "foo" >> bar.txt      # Append to file with content

ls exists 1> stdout.txt    # Redirect the standard output to a file
ls noexist 2> stderror.txt # Redirect the standard error output to a file
ls 2>&1 out.txt            # Redirect standard output and error to a file
ls > /dev/null             # Discard standard output and error

read foo                   # Read from standard input and write to the variable foo

Finding Text within Files

grep 'foo' ./bar.txt                         # Search for 'foo' in file 'bar.txt'
grep 'foo' ./bar -r|--recursive              # Search for 'foo' in directory 'bar'
grep 'foo' ./bar -R|--dereference-recursive  # Search for 'foo' in directory 'bar' and follow symbolic links
grep 'foo' ./bar -l|--files-with-matches     # Show only files that match
grep 'foo' ./bar -L|--files-without-match    # Show only files that don't match
grep 'Foo' ./bar -i|--ignore-case            # Case insensitive search
grep 'foo' ./bar -x|--line-regexp            # Match the entire line
grep 'foo' ./bar -C|--context 1              # Add N line of context above and below each search result
grep 'foo' ./bar -v|--invert-match           # Show only lines that don't match
grep 'foo' ./bar -c|--count                  # Count the number lines that match
grep 'foo' ./bar -n|--line-number            # Add line numbers
grep 'foo' ./bar --colour                    # Add colour to output

Finding Files

Find binary files for a command. The following uses the wget package as an example, but any binary file could be used (e.g., ruby, python, bash, git, java, etc.)

type wget                                  # Find the binary
which wget                                 # Find the binary
whereis wget                               # Find the binary, source, and manual page files

Replace in Files

sed 's/fox/bear/g' foo.txt               # Replace fox with bear in foo.txt and output to console
sed 's/fox/bear/gi' foo.txt              # Replace fox (case insensitive) with bear in foo.txt and output to console
sed 's/red fox/blue bear/g' foo.txt      # Replace red with blue and fox with bear in foo.txt and output to console
sed 's/fox/bear/g' foo.txt > bar.txt     # Replace fox with bear in foo.txt and save in bar.txt
sed 's/fox/bear/g' foo.txt -i|--in-place # Replace fox with bear and overwrite foo.txt
ln -s|--symbolic foo bar            # Create a link 'bar' to the 'foo' folder
ln -s|--symbolic -f|--force foo bar # Overwrite an existing symbolic link 'bar'
ls -l                               # Show where symbolic links are pointing

File Permissions

# Permission rwx Binary
7 read, write and execute rwx 111
6 read and write rw- 110
5 read and execute r-x 101
4 read only r– 100
3 write and execute -wx 011
2 write only -w- 010
1 execute only –x 001
0 none 000

For a directory, execute means you can enter a directory.

User Group Others Description
6 4 4 User can read and write, everyone else can read (Default file permissions)
7 5 5 User can read, write and execute, everyone else can read and execute (Default directory permissions)
  • u - User
  • g - Group
  • o - Others
  • a - All of the above
ls -l /            # List file permissions
chmod +100        # Add 1 to the user permission
chmod -100        # Subtract 1 from the user permission
chmod u+x         # Give the user execute permission
chmod g+x         # Give the group execute permission
chmod u-x,g-x     # Take away the user and group execute permission
chmod u+x,g+x,o+x # Give everybody execute permission
chmod a+x         # Give everybody execute permission
chmod +x          # Give everybody execute permission

What is sudo?

Sudo is a command line utility that provides a way to temporarily grant users or user groups privileged access to system resources so that they can run commands that they cannot run under their regular accounts. Only accounts listed in the system’s “sudoers” file are granted privileged access. On Macs and PCs, accounts that have administrator privileges are typically also added to the sudoers file.