CSCI 344: Spring 2023

Advanced Web Technology

CSCI 344: Spring 2023


Assignments > HW4: Building a JavaScript Client: Part I

Due on Mon, 02/27 @ 11:59PM. 25 Points.

Collaboration and Code Sharing Policy is the same as HW 3

1. Introduction

In this assignment, you will build a “data-driven” version of the interface you built in HW2 using JavaScript. Specifically, you will:

  1. Set up git and GitHub pages so that you can deploy your website to a web server that is accessible to the outside world.
  2. Build a very simple HTML “skeleton,” and then write some “client-side” JavaScript to:
    • Query data from a server (using a REST API) and
    • Build DOM elements based on the data returned from the server.
  3. Ensure that your interface is accessible.

You may NOT use any outside CSS or JavaScript libraries (other than Font Awesome). Everything should be done by writing your own “vanilla” HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Working Demo

If you want to see a working demo of the completed HW4 interface (ignore the login screen), take a look:

  • username: webdev
  • password: password

The app may be asleep (because I’m using the cheap version of Heroku), so you may need to wait about 10 seconds for it to load.

2. Set Up

Before beginning the assignment, please set up git and GitHub, and configure your files.

1. Install git

In order to interact with GitHub, you need to install git. Before you install it, check and make sure it’s not already installed by:

  1. Windows: search for the software program “GitBash.” If you find it, git is already installed.
  2. Mac:
    1. Opening your Terminal and type the word git at the command prompt.
    2. If you get a message that says “not recognized” or something along those lines, then you need to install it.

If you need to install it, follow these instructions:

2. Register for an account on GitHub using your student email

Register for a student GitHub account if you don’t have one already: Some notes:

  1. Please register using your account.
  2. After Spring Break, you will need to sign up for the Student Developer Pack to access to some free cloud hosting services. Please register for these services as soon as possible.

3. Tell git who you are

Tell git who you are by running the following commands in GitBash (Windows) or in the Terminal (Mac):

git config --global "Sarah"
git config --global ""

Please use your name and the UNCA email you used when registering with GitHub.

Note for Computer Lab Computers

If you are using a computer lab computer, you will need to complete this step (step 4) each time you use git.

4. Open your folder in VS Code

HW04 Starter Files

  1. Download the starter files and save them somewhere that makes sense
  2. Rename the hw04 folder you just downloaded / unzipped to photo-app.
  3. Replace the the index-replace.html and styles-replace.css files in photo-app with the index.html and styles.css files you made in HW2.
  4. Add the following script tag to the index.html file that you made from HW2 to link it to the starter JavaScript file
    <script src="js/main.js" type="module" defer></script>
  5. Open your photo-app folder in VS Code.

Your folder structure should look like this:

├── index.html  # your HW2 file
├── js
│   ├── main.js
│   └── utilities.js
└── styles.css  # your HW 2 file

5. Initialize your repository and commit your files

Within VS Code, click on the “Branch” icon, and then click the blue “Initialize Repository” button.

Add a message to the message text box (e.g., “My first commit”), and then click the blue “Commit” button.

6. Create a remote branch and send your files to GitHub

After you’ve committed your changes, you will publish your branch by clicking the “Publish Branch” button.

Then, make sure you ask for a public repo.

You may be prompted multiple times to give VS Code permissions to interact with GitHub (and vice versa). Please grant permissions. When you’re done, you may see a confirmation screen that suggests that you view your files on GitHub. Click the blue “Open on GitHub” button.

7. Configure GitHub Pages

Navigate to your repository and configure GitHub Pages by:

  1. Clicking the settings icon (upper right)
  2. Clicking on the Pages link (left menu, scroll down halfway)
  3. Clicking the “None” button below the “Branch” subheading.
  4. Selecting either the “master” or “main” branch (depending on how your git was configured).
  5. Clicking the “Save” button.

When you’re done, wait about 5 minutes and then refresh the page. You should be given a link to your GitHub pages, which you will be able to preview in your browser. Bookmark the page for your convenience.

3. Your Tasks

Please complete the tasks listed below. You’re more than welcome to add more CSS & JS files as needed (though this is not necessary).

Authentication Notes

  • All fetch requests will need to pass a Bearer Token (for now) to authenticate with the REST API. We will go over this in class.
  • There is a helper function in js/utilities.js called getAccessToken() that will help you retrieve the access token. You will store this token in a variable and include it as an HTTP header in all of your server requests.
  • We will go over this in class.

1. Page Initialization Tasks (10 Points)

The functionality in this section must be invoked when the page first loads (so that the user sees each of these panels right away).

Points Task Description Figure
1pt Right Panel: User Profile Inside of the right panel at the top, render an HTML representation of the current user's profile using data from the /api/profile endpoint. Figure 1
2pts Right Panel: Suggested Accounts Inside of the right panel (underneath the user profile), render an HTML representation of suggested user accounts using data from the /api/suggestions endpoint. Figure 2
2pts Stories Panel Render an HTML representation of stories from the user's network using data from the /api/stories endpoint. Figure 3
5pts Posts Panel Underneath the stories panel, renter an HTML representation of the first 10 posts from the user's network using data from the /api/posts endpoint. Please ensure that the following rules are honored:
  • If there is more than one comment associated with the post, display a “view all n comments” button (replace n by the actual number of comments) and only show the most recent comment. Otherwise, display a single comment below the title of the post (if one exists).
  • If the current user has already liked the post, the heart icon should be red . Otherwise it should be hollow . You can check if the current user has liked the post by checking the post'scurrent_user_like_id data field. If the post has been liked by the current user, then this data field exists. Otherwise, the field is undefined.
  • If the current user has already bookmarked the post, the bookmark icon should be black . Otherwise it should be hollow . You can check if the current user has bookmarked the post by checking the post'scurrent_user_bookmark_id data field. If the post has been bookmarked by the current user, then this data field exists. Otherwise, then the field is undefined.
Figure 4

Note that the content from each box should be generated from the API data (no hard-coding).

Figure 1: User Profile
screen shot of the stories panel
Figure 2: Suggestions
screen shot of the stories panel
Figure 3: Stories
screen shot of the stories panel
Figure 4: Post
screen shot of the post panel

2. Post Detail Modal (5 Points)

Next, you will make a modal window that displays a more detailed representation of the post.

Points Task Description
2pts "View all X comments" Button Click
  • Modal box opens
  • Close button in top, right-hand corner
  • The rest of the page is blocked behind a panel so that you can't interact with the rest of the page
2pts Modal Body
  • The featured image is displayed on the left (as pictured)
  • All of the comments are displayed on the right (as pictured)
  • The comment box scrolls while the picture stays anchored
    • Hint: give the comments container a fixed height and set the `overflow-y` style property to `auto`
1pt Close Button Click
  • Clicking the close button will close the modal window
Figure 5: Post Detail in Modal Box

Note: in this example, the picture changes because of the way that works. Just ignore that for now.

screen shot of the post panel

3. Accessibility Features (4 points)

Accessibility can be tricky when you’re relying on the fetch API, because a screen reader doesn’t always know that content has changed on the page. In addition, you don’t want to be over-reliant on the mouse. Please take a look at the Accessibility Resources, and specifically the resources pertaining to aria roles and attributes.

Points Task Description
2pts Keyboard Navigation
  • Ensure that all of the buttons are tabbable
  • Hint: if you use the HTML <button></button> element for all of your buttons, you get this functionality for free.
2pts Modal Box (Post Detail) Please ensure that the following accessibility features have been implemented. See this online resource
  • When the modal opens, the close control should have the focus.
  • When the modal closes, the "View all X comments" button that triggered the modal to open should have the focus.
  • When the modal is visible / hidden, ensure that the aria-hidden attribute reflects the state of the modal.
  • Ensure that the modal has the appropriate role set (role="dialog")
  • Extra credit (2 points): When the user tabs from within the modal, ensure that the focus does not leave the modal.
  • Extra credit (2 points): make the "Escape" key close the modal (in addition to the close button), and make sure the focus still returns to the "View all X comments" button.

4. Commit Everything to GitHub (2 points)

When you’re done, please commit and push everything to GitHub.

4. What to Turn In


Please review the requirements above and ensure you have met them. Specifically:

Points Category
10 points Page initialization
5 points post detail modal 
4 points Accessibility features 
2 points Successfully Deployed to GitHub + GitHub Pages
4 points Composition and CSS (the UI looks like the screenshots provided). Everything still has to look good and be responsive. 

Moodle Submission

When you’re done, please submit the following to the Moodle: