CSCI 344: Fall 2024

Advanced Web Technology

CSCI 344: Fall 2024


Schedule > 2. HTML

Week 2: Mon, Aug 26


  1. HTML Resources.
  2. Rules of Thumb.
  3. Text Markup Tags.
  4. Hyperlinks.
  5. Image Tags.
  6. Media Tags.
  7. Compound Tags.
  8. Form Tags.
  9. Semantic Tags.
  10. Intro to git and GitHub.
    A little technical, but please do your best to read it and come to tutorial with questions.
  11. Using GitHub with Visual Studio Code.


  1. Lecture 3: Intro to HTML (Monday, 08/26)
  2. Lecture 4: Intro to semantic tags, more linking, intro to GitHub (Wednesday, 08/28)

Videos & Lecture Files

Videos and worked examples will be published after class:
