CSCI 344: Fall 2024

Advanced Web Technology

CSCI 344: Fall 2024


Assignments > Tutorial 7: Get Started on HW3: GET, POST, and DELETE

Due on Wed, 11/06 @ 11:59PM. 6 Points.

Video Walkthroughs

The folder of videos can be found here. I’ve also linked them individually:

  1. from 11/1 lecture Set Up
  2. from 11/1 lecture Retrieving Posts
  3. from 11/1 lecture Rendering the Post (Part 1)
  4. New Rendering the Post (Part 2)
  5. New Rendering the Post (Part 3): Comments
  6. New Rendering the Post (Part 4): Buttons
  7. New Creating Bookmarks
  8. New Deleting Bookmarks

Introductory Slides


In this tutorial, we will be getting started on some concepts that should help you in Homework 3. Specifically, we will:

  1. Set up the HW3 starter files.
  2. Learn how to authenticate to the Photo App REST API.
  3. Fetch data from the API to display on a web page.
  4. Create data using the API.
  5. Delete data using the API.

What to Submit

To submit this tutorial, please create a link from your homepage to your Homework 3 web page (see Sarah’s homepage for an example). Then, commit and push all of your edits to GitHub and, paste a link to your GitHub Repository and to your GitHub pages in the Moodle submission for Tutorial 7.