CSCI 344: Spring 2023

Advanced Web Technology

CSCI 344: Spring 2023


Schedule > 4. Intro to CSS

Week 3: Wed, Jan 25


  1. CSS Rules of Thumb.
  2. Selectors.
  3. Color.
  4. Text & fonts.
  5. The Box Model.
  6. CSS Grid.
  7. Media Queries.
  8. CSS Grid Garden.
    Please try to complete at least the first 10 levels
  9. Flexbox Froggy.
    Please try to complete at least the first 10 levels

Optional Readings

  1. When to use Flex versus CSS Grid?.
  2. CSS Tricks: A Complete Guide to Grid.
  3. CSS Tricks: A Complete Guide to Flexbox.
  4. W3 Schools Flexbox Guide.
  5. Learn CSS Grid by Building 5 Layouts in 17 minutes.


Videos & Lecture Files

Videos and worked examples will be published after class:


  1. Lecture 5 files (Wednesday, 01/25)
  2. Lecture 6 files (Monday, 01/30)