CSCI 344: Spring 2023

Advanced Web Technology

CSCI 344: Spring 2023


Assignments > HW9: Authentication

Due on Fri, 04/28 @ 11:59PM. 35 Points.


Video Walkthroughs

Sarah has created a set of “get started” files that should help you with this assignment:

  1. Setup
  2. Implementing /api/token
  3. Locking down the endpoints
  4. UI integration
  5. Login form

Errata & Notes

  • There were a few bugs in the integration instructions / tests, so if you downloaded the starter files before 4/23 at 10PM, please re-download the starter files (and the tests_updated directory in particular).
  • Within the views/ file: please make sure that when you convert the Post objects to JSON, you pass the current_user into the to_dict() method. Example:


    This is necessary for generating current_user_like_id and current_user_bookmark_id (which are needed for the like / bookmark functionality to work with the React client).

1. Introduction

In this homework assignment, you are going to lock down your system so that only logged in users can interact with it by using JSON Web Tokens (JWTs). This requires the following changes:

1. REST API Changes

2. User Interface Changes

2. Background & Relevant Concepts

1. Bearer Tokens (External) v. Cookies + CSRF Tokens (Internal)

You can pass JWTs between the client and the server in a variety of different ways: through cookies, through custom HTTP headers, through the request body, and/or as query parameters.

2. External Client Workflow

External clients do not rely on cookies. Instead, they usually pass authentication information via “Bearer Tokens” passed using HTTP headers. Given this, you need to implement the following features within the REST API:

  1. A way for a user to authenticate with the REST API order to receive an access and refresh token.
  2. Security measures on all of your REST API endpoints that require an access token.

As you have already seen, the followint code shows how you might fetch a protected resource from an external web application (running on a separate server), using a Bearer token:

For JavaScript clients that issue requests from other servers (not one that you own):

fetch("/api/posts", {
        method: "GET",
        headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',
            'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + access_token
    .then(response => response.json())
    .then(data => {

For Python clients:

import requests

response = requests.get(
        'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + access_token
print('Status Code:', response.status_code)

3. Internal Client Workflow

Internal, browser-based clients can take advantage of additional security measures that aren’t available to external clients. Namely http-only JWT Cookies and CSRF tokens. Specifically:

  1. You will write code to generate a JWT cookie, which will sent back and forth between the browser and the server via request and response headers.
  2. The flask-jwt-extended library has a few convenience functions that will help you generate and set these cookies:

    • create_access_token() – generates the token
    • set_access_cookies() – sets the access cookies on the response header
  3. Workflow:

    1. User sends username and password to the server via a login form.
    2. If the credentials are valid, the server sets the JWT tokens using cookies.
    3. Because the JWT cookies are set, the system will know who is logged in.
      • Web applications will also pass an X-CSRF-TOKEN as an extra security measure (see below).
    4. When the JWT access token expires, the system redirects the user to the login screen.

Then, rather than using a Bearer Token, you will not only rely on the JWT http-only server cookie, but also on an X-CSRF-TOKEN token, which will be included in all POST, PATCH, PUT, and DELETE requests. This token will protect against Cross-Site Request Forgery attacks. Here is an example of how you might use fetch to access a protected REST Endpoint from within your UI:

fetch("/api/posts", {
        method: "GET",
        headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',
            'X-CSRF-TOKEN': '5c4f034d-13d6-4aa2-b686-ee0add18426b'
    .then(response => response.json())
    .then(data => {

4. The Flask-JWT-Extended Library

To help you implement the JWT workflow, you will be using the flask-jwt-extended library, which offers some common JSON Web Token functionality that will help you. Please refer to the full documentation to get a more comprehensive explanation. Some links that we have found to be particularly helpful:

3. Setup

Download and unzip it.

You should see a directory structure that looks like this:

├── lib
├── models
│   └──
├── requirements.txt
├── static
├── templates
├── tests_updated
└── views

Please integrate the starter files VERY CAREFULLY (don’t rush) as follows:

1. Add (new files)

File / Folder What is this file? Added a decorator whose job is to redirect to the login page if no credentials are found.
lib (entire folder) Some utilities for integrating the API with your react app.
tests_updated (entire folder) Updated tests that incorporate authentication.
views/ View that handles the login / logout form functionality.
views/ API Endpoint that issues access / refresh token if authorized credentials are provided.

2. Replace

File / Folder What Changed?
models/ New routes (/login, /logout, /api/token, and /api/token/refresh) added to the tester.
requirements.txt Added new library / dependency called Flask-JWT-Extended
static (entire folder) A few new helper JavaScript and CSS files.
templates (entire folder) Now includes sample code for how to make requests with the authentication headers.
views/ initialize_routes function updated to include new routes (/login, /logout, /api/token, and /api/token/refresh).

3. Install dependencies

On the command line / Terminal / shell, activate your virtual environment. Then, install the new Flask-JWT-Extended dependency as follows:

python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

4. Create a new environment variable

In your .env file, add a new environment variable for your JWT secret. You can make this secret anything you want:


5. Run your old tests

Run your old tests (in the tests directory). They should all still pass). By the end of the assignment, all of the new tests (in the tests_updated directory) should pass.

4. REST API Tasks

4.1. Modify

In order to integrate JWT security measures into your app, you will have to make some modifications to Please complete the following 4 steps:

(1) Add the new import statements:

# import statement at the top
import flask_jwt_extended                       

(2) Replace CORS statement:

# replace CORS statement with this one:
# update:
cors = CORS(app, 
    resources={r"/api/*": {"origins": '*'}}, 
    supports_credentials=True # new

(3) Turn on the JWT Manager:

# 4. Turn on the JWT Manager
app.config["JWT_SECRET_KEY"] = os.environ.get('JWT_SECRET')
app.config["JWT_TOKEN_LOCATION"] = ["headers", "cookies"]
app.config["JWT_COOKIE_SECURE"] = False
app.config['PROPAGATE_EXCEPTIONS'] = True 
jwt = flask_jwt_extended.JWTManager(app)

(4) Add the JWT user lookup convenience function (

# Include JWT starter code for querying the DB for user info:
def user_lookup_callback(_jwt_header, jwt_data):
    # print('JWT data:', jwt_data)
    user_id = jwt_data["sub"]
    return User.query.filter_by(id=user_id).one_or_none()

4.2. Secure the REST API (20 Points)

After updating, you will make the following three changes to your REST API in order to implement JWT authentication:

Method/Route Description Parameters Points
1. POST /api/token Issues an access and refresh token if the correct credentials are posted to the endpoint.

Example (truncated for readability):
    "access_token": "e0e.dsc.3NI6Ij",
    "refresh_token": "e0e.mcm.6ktQ"
  • username (string, required): The username of the person logging in.
  • password (string, required): The password of the person logging in.
2. POST /api/token/refresh Issues new access token if a valid refresh token is posted to the endpoint.

Example (truncated for readability):
    "access_token": "e0e.Ras.i3NyZ"
  • refresh_token (string, required): The refresh token that was previously issued to the user from the /api/token endpoint.
3. All routes Lockdown all endpoints (see note below).
  • Every API endpoint in the system should now require a JWT token using the @flask_jwt_extended.jwt_required() decorator.
  • Replace app.current_user with flask_jwt_extended.current_user.
  • All tests should pass with the new test suite.
4. Deprecate app.current_user (which is hardcoded to User #12) and use the user_id embedded in the JWT instead. 5

Note on Deprecating User #12

Deprecate app.current_user by commenting out the following lines in

# set logged in user
with app.app_context():
    app.current_user = User.query.filter_by(id=12).one()

In its place, you will used a different approach suggested by the flask-jwt-extended library, which involves:

  1. Defining a function that retrieves the User object based on the user_id that is embedded in the token.
  2. Adding the @jwt.user_lookup_loader decorator to the top of the function. By doing this, you can use the built-in flask_jwt_extended.current_user property to access the logged in user (works like magic).

Sample code:

# defines the function for retrieving a user from the database
def user_lookup_callback(_jwt_header, jwt_data):
    # print('JWT data:', jwt_data)
    user_id = jwt_data["sub"]
    return User.query.filter_by(id=user_id).one_or_none()

When you’re done, you will replace ALL instances of app.current_user with flask_jwt_extended.current_user.

5. UI Tasks

In addition to modifying the REST API Endpoints, you are also going to secure your React client by integrating it into your Flask App and creating a login screen to protect it. To do this, please complete the following tasks:

5.1. Integrate Your React Client

Copy your react client folder (from HW6) into the root of your Flask app. Rename that folder to react-client (you can call it anything, but let’s keep it consistent for simplicity).

5.2. Modify

When you’re done, make the following changes to so that the base URL opens the React UI (if the user is logged in).

(1) Add the new import statements:

# import statement at the top
from lib.flask_multistatic import MultiStaticFlask as Flask
from flask import send_from_directory            

(2) Tell flask which static folders it needs to be aware of:

# place the following after: app = Flask(__name__)
app.static_folder = [
    os.path.join(app.root_path, 'react-client', 'build', 'static'),
    os.path.join(app.root_path, 'static')

(3) Modify the root path to point to your React App:

# @decorators.jwt_or_login
def home():
    return send_from_directory(app.root_path + '/react-client/build', 'index.html')

5.3. Build Your React Client

Navigate into your react-client folder from the command line and compile your react application by issuing the following command:

npm run build

This should create a new directory called “build” that will house your compiled React app. When you’re done, restart your flask app and navigate to You should see your react app running.

5.4. Secure the User Interface (15 Points)

Secure the user interface as follows:

Task Description Points
1. Create login form for UI 10 points
Create an HTML login form for your app (feel free to borrow code from the Lecture 25 files) by editing the templates/login.html html file. The form should POST to the /login endpoint. 2
Ensure that the form is accessible by using the Wave Chrome extension. 2
Implement the /login POST endpoint by editing views/ If the enpoint receives a valid username and password, it should set the JWT cookie in the response header and redirect the user to the home screen (/). 3
If the /login POST endpoint does not receive a valid username and password, redisplay the form with an appropriate error message.
  • When you're done, your tests_updated/ tests should pass.
2. Create logout form for UI 3 points
Create logout endpoint (GET) by editing views/ This endpoint should unset the JWT cookies and redirect the user to the /login page. When you're done, your tests_updated/ tests should pass. 3
3. Lockdown your UI Endpoints 2 points
Use the @decorators.jwt_or_login (from to secure your / and /api endpoints in
  • If the user is logged in (i.e. a JWT cookie is present), allow them to access the page.
  • If the user is not logged in, redirect them to the login page.
The code has already been provided for you (but is commented out). You will uncomment it. Please also examine to make sure you understand what this decorator is actually doing.

When you’re done, all of the tests_updated tests should pass.

6. Extra Credit (10pts): Deploying to Heroku

If you plan to deploy your secured React + Flask app to Heroku, there are a few additional steps you need to complete:

package.json file at the root of your Flask app (not the one in your react-client folder):

    "name": "photo-app-heroku-react-build-file",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "description": "",
    "scripts": {
      "build": "cd react-client && npm install && npm run build"
    "dependencies": {
        "cross-env": "^7.0.3"

7. What to Turn In

Please review the requirements above and ensure you have met them. Specifically:

Points Category
20 points REST API Tasks
15 points User Interface Related Tasks

Moodle Submission

When you’re done, please submit the following to Moodle: