CSCI 344: Spring 2023

Advanced Web Technology

CSCI 344: Spring 2023


Assignments > HW5: Building a Data-Driven Client: Part 2

Due on Mon, 03/13 @ 11:59PM. 25 Points.

1. Introduction

In this assignment, you will be enhancing your HW4 interface by implementing some event handlers to interact with a REST API – in order to “like,” bookmark, and comment on posts; and to follow new users.

2. Set Up

Before you begin enhancing your interface, create a branch to “remember” your HW4 version of the code (so that you can easily revert back to it if need be). To do this, navigate to your photo-app directory on the command line and type the following:

git branch    # tells you what branch you're currently on.
git checkout -b hw04   # creates and switches to a new branch 
git push --set-upstream origin hw04  # creates a remote copy of your new branch on GitHub
git checkout main   # switches back to the main branch (your branch may be called master instead of main)
git branch    # should tell you that you're back on the main (or master) branch

If you did this correctly…

  1. On GitHub, you should see two branches: a main (or master) branch and a hw04 branch.
  2. On your computer, When you type git branch on the command line from your photo-app directory, you will see that your main (or master) branch is still the working branch.

3. Your Tasks

1. Create / Delete Data with Event Handlers (16 Points)

After implementing the read-only functionality, you will implement functionality that actually updates the data in your system as follows:

Points Task Description Figure
2pts Like Post
  • When the user clicks the heart of "unliked" post, a POST request is issued to the /api/posts/likes/ endpoint.
  • If the POST response indicates success, requery for the relevant post (/api/posts/<id>) and redraw it to show the updated data (which should indicate that the post has been liked).
  • Ensure that the number of likes is updated.
Figure 1
2pts Unlike Post
  • When the user clicks the heart of "liked" post, a DELETE request is issued to the /api/posts/likes/<id> endpoint.
  • If the DELETE response indicates success, requery for the relevant post (/api/posts/<id>) and redraw it to show the updated data (which should indicate that the post has been unliked).
  • Ensure that the number of likes is updated.
Figure 1
2pts Bookmark Post
  • When the user clicks the bookmark button of "unbookmarked" post, a POST request is issued to the /api/bookmarks/ endpoint.
  • If the POST response indicates success, requery for the relevant post (/api/posts/<id>) and redraw it to show the updated data (which should indicate that the post has been bookmarked).
Figure 2
2pts Unbookmark Post
  • When the user clicks the bookmark button of an "unbookmarked" post, a DELETE request is issued to the /api/bookmarks/<id> endpoint.
  • If the DELETE response indicates success, requery for the relevant post (/api/posts/<id>) and redraw it to show the updated data (which should indicate that the post has been unbookmarked).
Figure 2
2pts Follow Account
  • When the user clicks the follow button of an "unfollowed" account, a POST request is issued to the /api/following endpoint.
  • If the POST response indicates success, redraw the button to indicate that you are now following the account.
Figure 3
2pts Unfollow Account
  • When the user clicks the unfollow button of an "followed" account, a DELETE request is issued to the /api/following/<id> endpoint.
  • If the DELETE response indicates success, redraw the button to indicate that you are no longer following the account.
Figure 3
4pts Add a Comment
  • When the user types a comment into the textbox and clicks the adjacent "post" button, a POST request is issued to the /api/comments endpoint.
  • If the POST response indicates success, requery for the relevant post (/api/posts/<id>) and redraw the post.
  • Ensure that the new comment is rendered to the screen and that the comment count increases to reflect the # of comments associated with the post.
Figure 4
Figure 1: Liking and Unliking

Note that each button click is issuing a request to your API and redrawing the screen (console messages just used for demonstration purposes).

screen shot of the post panel
Figure 2: Bookmarking and Unbookmarking

Note that each button click is issuing a request to your API and redrawing the screen (console messages just used for demonstration purposes).

screen shot of the post panel
Figure 3: Following and Unfollowing

Note that each button click is issuing a request to your API and redrawing the screen (console messages just used for demonstration purposes).

screen shot of the post panel
Figure 4: Add Comment

Note that each button click is issuing a request to your API and redrawing the screen (console messages just used for demonstration purposes).

screen shot of the post panel

2. Accessibility Features (5 points)

Accessibility can be tricky when you’re relying on the fetch API, because a screen reader doesn’t always know that content has changed on the page. In addition, you don’t want to be over-reliant on the mouse. Please take a look at the Accessibility Resources, and specifically the resources pertaining to aria roles and attributes.

Points Task Description
2pts Keyboard Navigation
  • Ensure that all of the buttons are tabbable
  • Ensure that all the event handlers can be triggered using the "spacebar" or "enter / return" keys.
  • Hint: if you use the HTML <button></button> element for all of your buttons, you get this functionality for free.
3pts Aria attributes Use the 'aria-label' and 'aria-checked' attributes to indicate to the screen reader whether the following buttons are turned on or off:
  • Like / Unlike button (1pts)
  • Bookmark / Unbookmark button (1pts)
  • Follow / Unfollow button (1pts)

3. Accessibility Reflection (3 Points)

  1. In a brief reflective response (about 4-8 sentences total), please consider the following questions:
    • Why, and to whom, is accessibility important?
    • How might you make a site (or app) like Instagram more accessible?
  2. What resources did you consult as you implemented the accessibility features? Were there any that you found useful that aren’t on the Accessibility Resources page?
  3. Reflect on the work that went into making your website accessible.
    • Was it a lot of additional work?
    • What was the most challenging part?
    • Do you think that designing for accessibility also improves the usability of the site for all users? Why or why not?

4. Commit Everything to GitHub (1 point)

When you’re done, please commit and push everything to GitHub.

  1. Instead of creating a brand new Heroku Postgres database, just use the same DB_URL environment variable that you used in HW3. In other words, your HW3 and HW4 Heroku deployments will share a database.
  2. Make sure you push your hw05 branch to Heroku: git push heroku hw05:main

4. What to Turn In


Please review the requirements above and ensure you have met them. Specifically:

Points Category
16 points POST / DELETE functionality
5 points Accessibility features 
3 points Accessibility reflection 
1 point GitHub deployment 

Moodle Submission

When you’re done, please submit the following to the Moodle: