Schedule > 1. Intro to the Course, Intro to the Web
Week 1: Mon, Aug 19
In this unit, we will explore how the Internet and the Web work at a high-level.
Monday (8/19)
- Monday (8/19) Intro to the course
Wednesday (8/21)
Assigned Readings
Please complete before class on Wednesday:
- Intro to the Internet: Watch How We Made the Internet. 2022. Nation Squid
- Note: while this video is not technically a “verified” source (Who is Nation Squid? Where did this information come from?), it it a nice introduction to how the internet works.
- Intro to the Web: Watch The Internet: HTTP & HTML.
- How to be a “Full Stack Developer”: Skim the following:
- Read: The Internet Explained. Timothy B. Lee, 2015.
- Skim: 40 Maps That Explain the Internet. Timothy B. Lee, 2014
Friday (8/23)
Assigned Readings
- [Required] NPR Podcast (26 minutes): The history and future of the cookie
- [Optional] Wall Street Journal (7 mins): Third-party cookies, explained
Summary of Concepts to Know
The Internet
- What is the Internet?
- What is the web?
- How are they different?
- What is the cloud?
- What is TCP/IP?
- What is DNS?
- Who invented the Internet?
- Who controls the Internet?
- Where is the Internet?
- What is Net Neutrality?
- What kind of data do you generate as you use the Internet?
- Who can see your data and how can they see it?
The Web
- Who invented the world wide web?
- What is a URL?
- What is HTTP?
- What is a web browser? What are some examples?
- What can a browser do? What languages does it understand?
- What is a web server? What languages does it understand?
- What is a search engine? What are some examples?
- How can someone “own” a domain name?