CSCI 344: Fall 2024

Advanced Web Technology

CSCI 344: Fall 2024


Assignments > Tutorial 6: JavaScript: Practice with higher-order iteration functions

Due on Fri, 11/01 @ 11:59PM. 6 Points.

Introductory Slides

For Tutorial 6, you will make a UNCA Course Search interface for the Computer Science Department that works like this:

Please download the starter files below and then complete the following tasks:

Tutorial 6 Starter Files

I. Implement the helper functions

1. Filter functions

Implement two filter functions (which should return either true or false):


  1. Use some of the JavaScript built-in string methods. It also might be useful to convert everything to uppercase / lowercase. Some particularly useful methods to checkout:
    • includes()
    • toUpperCase()
    • toLowerCase()
  2. The filter must conform to one of the function signatures specified in the JavaScript language.
// Part 1.1a
const filterClassFull = course => {
    // modify this
    return true;

// Part 1.1b
const filterTermMatched = course => {
    // modify this
    return true;

2. “Data to HTML” function

Implement the dataToHTML function, which takes a course object as an argument and returns an HTML string that represents the course.

// Part 1.2
const dataToHTML = course => {
    // modify this
    return `Some HTML representation of the course...`;


  • Use a template literal (backticks).
  • Feel free to create some helper variables to format the string output.

II. Implement the showData function / event handler

Implement the showData function

To actually display relevant course “cards” to the screen, you will also need to implement a showData function. To do this, use the built-in filter, map, and join array methods – and any relevant DOM methods – to build the interface. Specifically, you will:

  1. Use the array’s built in “filter” method, which takes a filter function as an argument, to return an array of objects that match the search criteria.
    • You will make use of the filterClassFull and filterTermMatched functions.
    • Consider chaining multiple invocations of the filter method to progressively winnow down the courses matching the search criteria.
      For instance: const matches = data.filter(filterClassFull).filter(filterTermMatched)).
  2. Use the array’s built in “map” method to generate an array of HTML strings.
  3. Use the array’s built in “join” method to convert the array of strings to one large HTML string (join on the empty string or the newline character).
  4. Clear out the existing courses in the DOM.
  5. And finally, insert the HTML string into the DOM (suggestion: use the insertAdjacentHTML method).
// Part 2
const showData = (searchTerm, openOnly) => {
    console.log(searchTerm, openOnly);
    console.log(data); // imported from course-data.js
    // Your code here:

Attach your showData function to the button’s click event

Now that you have implemented your button, don’t forget to attach your event handler to the button’s click event (like we’ve been doing in class for the past few weeks).

III. What to Submit

When you’re done, please create a link from your homepage to your Tutorial 6 web page (see Sarah’s homepage for an example). Then, commit and push all of your edits to GitHub and, paste a link to your GitHub Repository and to your GitHub pages in the Moodle submission.

If you collaborated with someone, please list your partner’s name in the comments section.